June 19th, 2023 - Paradigm Shift

Yesterday at service (at me and my fiance's spiritual community, The Center for Spiritual Living), Rev. Zena opened with this video.

"Spontaneously...sincerely." I don't think I can put all of my thoughts down about this right now, but I think this is the (or one of the) secrets to making life easy, the "truth that sets you free" or the "crown of mysteries." Finding the feeling and living from the end-point, from which everything else changes. Looking at a window and realizing its a door.

M.C. Escher

Magic Eye puzzle

My tattoo

There's something you can change that changes everything else. This is how magick works, except you imbue that birthright-ability into objects which behave as symbols (whether you know you're doing this consciously or not). Belief is everything. Paradigm is everything. Everything flows forward from your feeling, your assumption: thoughts, behaviors, actions, events. Changing this primary perspective-place lets everything else come forth "spontaneously... sincerely."

Anyway, I liked this video a lot because, as S. Covey says, you can actually feel the example happen inside you as you watch. Its a wonderful example of how you can (consciously or not) change what kind of sunglasses you're wearing in life. Metaphorically, and metaphysically, speaking.